How robust and effective are your current Human Capital skills, processes and functionality? You may want our practice team to up-level your key Human Capital Skills Development and Training. The key Human Capital Skills Training and Development functional areas we can partner you to up-level and drive transformation are:
Manpower Planning
Recruitment & Selection
Compensation & Benefits
Performance Management & Appraisal
Learning & Development
Career & Talent Management
Leadership Development
Sales Management
Marketing Communication
Customer Relationship Management
Data Management
Supplier Process Improvement
Lean Sigma
Cost Optimization
We work with clients to transform their Human Capital as effective business resources from a transactional to a strategic business unction. With the increasing war for talents, we assist organizations to position themselves as “employers of choice” via development of recruitment, retention & reward systems, sales, marketing, process, management, cost optimization and business strategies. For more information and an in-depth discussion on how our practice team can assist you to improve your Human Capital Transformation processes and procedures, contact us at info@glohc.com.
'eCORNELL / re:Box' - Partnership to help develop the skills to excel.
Welcome to re:BOX and Cornell University online online professional certificate programs! Please join us and engage with the world’s leading Leadership and HR strategy Certificate Programs offered through eCornell, Cornell University’s online delivery platform. These programs are second-to-none, trendy and 100% online. They also allow you to qualify for a professional certificate from Cornell University. Re:BOX also offers customized leadership training programs, customized workshops or consultation, seminars for individuals, teams, and organizations. These re:BOX programs will enable you to expand and build on what you have learned in the eCornell courses in a local language environment. Feel free to contact us at edu@glohc.com