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Dr. Jade Chung has always been the rising star, winning numerous 'first female executive‘ titles in many companies in her 25-year career in HR. She has held various HR executive positions including Continental Automotive Korea, GE Korea and Sun Microsystems, spanning through various sizes and stages of businesses covering thousands of employees and 185 countries in various industries including IT, consumer retail, infrastructure, healthcare and automotive.


She was nominated as the Top Global 100 HR Influencers in the World HRD Congress 2017, and won Jeff Immelt’s MostOutstanding Leader Award at GE, 2014.


As the founder of re:BOX Consulting, she now aspires to build a networked platform of global and local service partners, academia, top CHRO members and the government to holistically offer out-of-the-box solutions for organizational challenges. She is entirely redefining the way leadership training and organizational consulting is done, and provides invaluable leadership insights and coaching to help talented women and professionals prepare for executive roles.

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