Data Services Consulting is about collecting the right data, applying well-proven rules to uncover insights and using these to drive your business decisions. To be able to do this in a persistent and sustainable way, companies first need to start with robust Data Management and Governance Practices. This will ensure that your data is ‘analytics ready’ and in compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (PDPA).
Business Analytics is a fusion of analysis and storytelling. The analysis will uncover the facts and the storytelling will bring context and drive your business decisions. Analytics can be used to:
Discover the truth
Measure performance or
Predict behaviour
Given today’s legislative environment, all of these must be done while ensuring the protection of consumers’ personal data.
Our enterprise grade practice spans across the two disciplines. We build organisations and practices, deploy capabilities and drive adoption of data and insights driven business culture. The Data Services practice integrates seamlessly into the Sales Management and Customer Relations Management areas, providing insights into those management systems for your business.
For more information and an in-depth discussion on our Data Services Consulting, contact us at